Dr Mark McAuliffe, Acupuncturist, Herbalist

At Mackay Acupuncture Natural Medicine our Oriental Medicine Doctor (O.M.D), Dr Mark McAuliffe , is one of Australia’s leading Acupuncturists w​ith over 45 years experience in the healing industry and is regarded as a master acupuncturist​ by his peers. From 2001 he was a senior Lecturer of Acupuncture for 5 years at the Australian College of Natural Medicine. His work focuses on changing the state of your energy, so that it integrates you on all levels of your body, mind, emotions and spirit.   

Acupuncture is based on working with the natural law of ​harmonising your subtle energy in​to ​the state of no concepts. This state clears dis-ease and i​ntegrates the subtle energetic pathways found in all humans.​ This state, then allows the bodymind dynamic to enter a wellness state of being in instant presence. Mark​ ​utilizes Neoclassical Acupuncture, created by Master Slate Burris and mostly uses only 1 needle in his practice, which gives outstanding results. This style of acupuncture has been practiced since 1100 A.D. It is different to most other acupuncture methods as it works with 6 elements, not the more common idea of 5 elements.

As a  general practi​tioner, Dr Mark treats in the areas of  womens health, mens health, childrens health,  sports injuries and workcover. He also excels at pain management,​ integrative oncology​, integrated dermatology​ and natural and IVF fertility.​ The clinic is also fully stocked with a very large Oriental Herbal medicine apothecary.

He is a member of the SIO (Society Integrative Oncology) as well as AACMA (Australian Acupuncture Chinese Medicine Association). The modalities he has mastered and now uses in clinic are Neoclassical Acupuncture which dates from the 11th century and is based on working with  elemental acupuncture.  This system utilises body palpation diagnosis instead of tongue and pulse diagnosis which gives immediate feedback to guide the patient through the channels and five levels of treatment – Meridian, Organ, Obstacles, Symptomatic, and Elemental.

Since 2009 Mark has practiced Tung’s Extraordinary Acupuncture System that has been handed down within the Tung’s Family from the 13th century.  He has studied various modalities throughout his career including Trager Therapy, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Structural Alignment, Reiki Master, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Cupping Therapy, Body Harmony,  Bodymindtune, Remedial Massage, Sacrocranial Technique and Mark continues to learn and discover the wonders of the human body and human nature.

Mark is the  Australian and Oceania representative for Neoclassical Acupuncture Training with Dr Slate Burris the founder of this incredible system. His background with meditation began with practicing Reiki a self healing method daily and participating regularly in Vipassana 10 day silent retreats since 1988.  Mark is grateful to have been a student of the wonderful Dzogchen Master Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche since 1993, who  gave him the transmission to wake up his energy and utilization  of instant presence 5 elements and the  nature of mind over ordinary mind.

This knowledge is what drives Mark’s practice so that you can integrate with your true nature.

When your body is not aligned
The inner power and energetic co-ordination will not come.
When you are not tranquil within
Your mind will not be well ordered.
Align your body, assist the inner power
Then it will gradually come on its own.

From 2001 for 5 years, Mark lectured at the Australian College Natural Medicine, Queensland in Chinese Medicine.  The subjects he taught were Acupuncture Point Location, Chinese Medicine Philosophy, Chinese Dietetics Nutrition, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Medical Pathology, Differential Diagnosis and was the Clinic Supervisor for final year students.  It was his experience as a lecturer of TCM that showed Mark that what he was being asked to teach was limited with regard to clinical results.  He then addressed this by looking for better acupuncture methods and found this through Japanese and Taiwanese systems mentioned above.

The whole universe is vibration.  By conducting life from instant presence, observing energy,  sensation  and frequencies in the framework of the body, as it happens without reaction from our 5 sense doors of perception or mind, our faculty of awareness wakes up  and the ability to penetrate  into our timeless wisdom unfolds, giving us peace and liberation from our suffering  and pain .”  –  Dr Mark McAuliffe

For more details on how we can help you, please Contact us

Bethrene McAuliffe - Practice Director

As the “other half” of this husband and wife team, Bethrene is the clinic Practice Manager.  She initially trained as an Aesthetician in 1982.  Bethrene has been a business woman all her working life and has founded several businesses in areas of health and beauty, and has had a long and successful career as an interior designer.

Naturally, Beth has designed the spaces in all their clinics with her focus to creating a soothing and Zen-like ambience.  It is important to her that you make yourself at home whenever you visit, believing wholeheartedly that it is “your place to rest, relax + heal”

Bethrene has been a Reiki Master for many years and has a long-standing interest in Buddhism and Dzogchen.  She has been practicing meditation daily, utilising contemplation for nearly 40 years now.


She is the smiling voice that you will first hear when you book into this holistic family clinic and she will take great care of your needs while you are visiting.

We may help you with these health issues, and more...

Pain Management

Neck Pain, Headaches, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Hip Pain, Elbow Pain, Wrist Pain, Knee Pain, Ankle Pain, Arthritis

Skin Rejuvenation

Reduce Sagging, Reduce Wrinkles, Lighten Pigmentation

Stress Disorders

Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Fear, Compulsive Worry, Sadness, Over-thinking, Insomnia

Women’s Health

PMS, Menstrual Disorders, IVF Fertility Assistance, Menopause

Men’s Health

Fertility, Libido, Hypertension

Auto-immune Health

Colds & Flu, Asthma, Hayfever, Allergies, Fibromyalgia, Hypertension, Hypotension

Digestive Health

IBS, Weight Loss, Bloating, High Cholesterol, Dietary Advice