To understand more about the 1 needle technique please visit the Neoclassical Acupuncture website. The Neoclassical Acupuncture Training Course takes participants on a detailed journey through the five levels of treatment: Meridian, Organ, Obstacles, Symptomatic, and Elemental.

The results in the deepest level of this system are based on ‘the six elements.’ Here, Ministerial and Imperial Fire are each considered completely separate entities. This drastically changes the motor of elemental interaction from the more popular generative and controlling models to a much more ancient structure of 3 axes. In this course we will demonstrate that the “elements” exist (they are not mere metaphors) and how they were used in ancient times to effect healings that appear to be miraculous. This therapy is aimed at correcting the constitutional imbalance of the patient, that is, it goes to the root of the problem and the improvement of the patient’s symptoms is almost always immediate. As this is a palpatory method, the practitioner receives IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK WITH EACH NEEDLE PLACED.

Unlike traditional acupuncture systems based on «recipes» or “formulas,» the Neoclassical Acupuncture course is a unique and complete training in which you learn a SYSTEM that will allow you to successfully serve a vast majority of your patients with immediate results from the first session. Upon completion of the course series (Foundational/Advanced), students should be able to achieve NEAR COMPLETE ALLEVIATION OF SYMPTOMS, WITH JUST ONE NEEDLE, IN AT LEAST 90% OF CASES, WITH NO NEED TO KNOW SYMPTOMS BEFOREHAND. This is result oriented acupuncture at its highest level.

Upon completion of the Foundational Online Course, there will be a live in-person course in Brisbane (25 pax min).